The Hotel Ratsstuben welcomes you at one of the most beautiful landscapes of Germany - the lake Constance. Located directly on the island of Lindau.

The unique location of the hotel – just a few

meters near the lake- and the spectacular panorama of

the Alps create a very special vibe no matter what season of the year … more


The Building of the Hotel Ratsstuben in Lindau was built in the 14th century. The jutty on the 1st floor to the Ludwigstrasse says the date 1580 and 1922, in these years the building has been renovated … more

Dear guests,

did you know, that hotels pay up to 15 % commission

to online booking services as, HRS,, ect.

By booking directly you get lower rates! 

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Kulturhighlight 2025:  

Kunstforum Hundertwasser


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 Der Freischütz

 2025 bei den

 Bregenzer Festspielen

Hotels mit Hotelbewertungen bei HolidayCheck

Sandra Oswald
Ludwigstrasse 7
88131 Lindau im Bodensee
Tel. +49(0)8382 / 6626

check in ab 15.00 Uhr bis 19.00 Uhr
check out bis 11.00 Uhr

In den Monaten Januar und Februar machen wir Winterpause.


Die Frühstückzeiten:
Montag bis Sonntag

von 8.00 Uhr bis 10.30 Uhr